Senin, 30 April 2012

Future Tense

Simple Future tense is used to describing job or action that will to do (happened) at future.

Formation of sentences

1. Positive
( + ) S + shall/ will + V1
Ex :
- I shall clean the room
- We will go to school
( + ) S + be + going to + V1
Ex :
- I am going to play tennis
- He is going to write a story
Notes : "shall" just can use for subject "I and we"

2. Negative
( - ) S + shall/ will + not+ V1
Ex :
- I shan't buy a shirt
- He won't clean the room
( - ) S + be + not +going to + V1
Ex : I am not going to give a present
Notes : shall not = shan't, will not = won't

3. Interrogative
( ? ) Shall/ will + S + V ?
Ex : Will we playing tennis ?
( ? ) Be + S + going to + V ?
Ex : Is she going to write story ?

Minggu, 29 April 2012


Several expressions of congratulating, complimenting, and  thanking: Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when he/she succeeds in doing something.

Expressing :
v Let me congratulate you.
v Congratulations on your successful business.
v My congratulations on your success.
v Congratulations on your promotion.
v Good!
v That’s great!
v How fortunate.
v Splendid.
v Pretty good.

Responding :
v Thank you.
v Thanks, I needed that.
v That’s very kind of you.
v It’s very kind of you to say that.
v Do you really think so?
v You’ve made my day!
v The same to you.
v I’m glad you like it.Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so.

Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will .
For example :

Expressing :
o What a nice dress?
o You look great.
o You look very nice.
o I really must express my admiration for you.
o Good grades.
o Excellent.
o Nice work.

Time to expressing compliment :
o On his/her general appearance.
o If you notice something new about the person’s appearance.
o When you visit someone’s house for the first time.
o When other people do their best.

Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something, help you do something, wish you something and give you a compliment etc.

Kind of gratitude expression are :
Thank you very much.
I am grateful to……
I want to thank……
I want to express my gratitude to
I keep forgetting to thank you for……

Respon of expressing :
· You are welcome.
· Don’t mention it!
· Not at all.
· It was nothing at all.
· No problem.
· Glad to be of help.
· (it was) my pleasure.
· I am glad I could help.
· I am glad I could do it.
· I am glad I could be of help.



Second materi is surprise and disbeliefs. this is Expressing if you see someone can do it what you cant do.
This is means of it :
Surprises and Disbelief is expression that used to express something that we can’t believe or impossible.

ø To express surprise or disbelief:
ï What a surprise! That’s a surprise!
ï (Well), that’s very surprising!
ï Really?
ï What?
ï Are you serious? You must be joking!
ï You’re kidding!
ï Fancy that!
ï I must say … surprises me.
ï I find that hard to believe.

Example of expressing surprise:
A: How can you say that?
B: Well, that’s the fact.
Example of expressing surprise:
A: I can’t believe it!
B: That’s true.

Kind of Surprises and Disbelief expression are :

o What a surprises?
o That’s very surprising!
o Really?
o Oh, no…………..
o Are you serious?
o What?
o That’s unbeliefable!
o Fancy that!
o You’re kidding!
o I find that hard to believe.

Surprising amazement of something :

- Fantastic!
- How marvellous/beautiful!
- It’s very interesting!
- It’s great!
- It’s terrific!
- Wow, that’s amazing!
- Wonderful!
- What a nice……
- What a lovely flower!
- Hey, that’s really terrific!


Most spore invitation are in the farm of question they often begin with will,would,would you like to,would you care to,etc
Offerins invitation
->Would you like to come to the restaurant this evening?
->Will you join us?
->Would you care to have dinner with us tonight?
->Could you come to a party at my place tomorrow?
->I wander whether you would care to come on a picnic with us next week?
Accepting invitation
->Yes,I’d love very much.
->Thank you.
->Yes,with pleasure.
->If you don’t mind,i’d rather not.
->Thank you,i’m busy,may be next time.
->I have got another appointment.
->I’m sorry.
->I’ve lost to work to do.
Invitation Verbal
We want to invite you to come to our house
Can you come to my restaurant?
Are you free tonight?
Accepting (menerima)
I like that
That sounds good
Thank you for inviting

I like that but I can’t
I’m very sorry for not able to come
Sorry, I’m very busy


Narrative text is story, mostly, narrative are imaginary stories but sometimes narratives can be factual too. Narrative text is to tell something in the past. Narrative includes fairy stories, fables, mystery, science, fictions any romance and horror.

Narrative have three elements, there are:

• Orientation is sets the scene and the participant
• Complication is crisis arias
• Resolution is include the crisis resolved for the better or worse.
Likes Recount text, Narrative text using verb II, too.

Characteristic of Narrative Text :

♥ Entertain the reader
♥ Structure of the text :
> Orientation
> Complication
> Resolution
♥ Other generic structure :
> Evaluation and coda
♥ Language features :
> Nouns, adjective, time conjuction and conjuctions, adverb and adverbial phrases, action
verbs, saying verbs.

Kind of Narrative Text :

♥ Myth
♥ Legend
♥ Fable
♥ Folklore

Example Narrative Text :

"Monkey and Crocodile"
One day a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile in the river, so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side. The crocodile told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river.
Now, the crocodile was very hungry, so when it was in the middle of the river, it stopped and said to the monkey, ”Monkey, my father is very sick. He must eat the heart of the monkey. Then he will be strong again.”
The monkey thought for a while. Then he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
“What’s for?” asked the crocodile.
“Because I didn’t bring my heart with me,” said the monkey. “I left it under the tree, near some coconuts.”
So, the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back and climbed up to the top of a tree.
“Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile.
“You are foolish,” the monkey said to the crocodile. “Now I am free and you have nothing.”
The monkey told the crocodile not to try to fool him again. The crocodile swam away, hungry.


 News item is a factual text which inform reader or daily newspaper about events of the day which are regarder as newsworth or important.

The generic structure of News item :
* Headline.
* Correspondence.
* Newsworthy events :

Recounts the event in summary form.
* Background events :

Elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances.
* Sources :

Comments by participants in, witness to and authorities expert on the event.
Linguistic features :
* Action verbs.
* Verbal verbs.
* Mental verbs.
* Temporal circumstances.
* Spatial circumstances.
* Specific participants.
Is structure is:
• Newsworthy Event(s): recounts the events in summary form
• Background Event(s): elaborate what happened, to WHOM, in WHAT circumstances.
• Sources: comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities’ expert on the event.

Significant Grammar Features:
  • Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
  • Generally using Simple Past Tense
  • Use of Material Processes to retell the event
  • Using Action Verbs, e.g.: were, run, go, kill, etc.
  • Using Saying Verbs, e.g.: say, tell
  • Focus on Circumstances
  • Use of projecting Verbal Processes in Sources stages

There are some rules that can help to make newspaper headlines more comprehensible.
  1. The passive voice is used without the appropriate form of “be”.
  2. It is unusual to find complex forms, generally the simple present form is used
  3. The present progressive tense is used, usually to describe something that is changing or developing, but the auxiliary verb is usually left out.
  4. To refer to the future, headlines often use the infinitive.
  5. Headlines are not always complete sentences

Example of News item :
Shark Savages Creek Swimmer
By John Orr and AAP

A Gold Coast man was recovering in hospital last night after a shark bit him in his buttocks and right leg when he went for a moonlit swim in a canal.
Mr. Craig Coleman, 26 needed about 200 stitches and is awaiting plastic surgery.
He went for a swim in little Tallebudgera Creek and adjoining canals to “cool off” late on Saturday night.
He “dog-paddled” halfway accros the stream and while having a breather, a shark, estimated, to be 1.8m long, “took a liking to him”.
“I never got a look at him-who would have thought there would be sharks in the river,” Mr. Coleman said yesterday.
He was the second person to be attacked by a shark in the Mermaid Waters canal in the past 12 months.
A 10 years-old boy was attacked late last year only metres from where Mr. Coleman was bitten.
Mr. Coleman said he was unaware of previous shark attacks in Gold Coast waterways as he had recently moved there from Sydney.


Passive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject receives the action of a transitive verb, and passive refers more generally to verbs using this construction and the passages in which they are used.
The Generic Structure/Formula :

* Active : S + Vactive + O
* Passive : O + to be + V3 + by + S

Passive Voice in Tenses :
1. Simple Present Tense
· Active : V1(es/s)
· Passive : To be(is, am, are) + V3
2. Past tense
· Active : V2(ed)
· Passive : To be(was, were) + V3
3. Past Continous Tense
· Active : To be(is, am, are) + Ving
To be(was, were) + Ving
· Passive : To be(is, am, are) + Being V3
To be(was, were) + Being V3
4. Present Perfect Continous Tense
· Active : been + Ving
· Passive : been + being V3
5. Future Tense
· Active : Be + Ving
· Passive : Be + being V

When you’re rewriting active sentences in Passive Voice, note to following :
  1. the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
  2. the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
  3. the subject of the active sentence becomes by Agent in the passive sentence (or is dropped)
  4. Only active sentence containing object which can be changed into passive form
  5. The two forms should have the same tenses

Note :
- In Passive Voice, the subject is the object in Active Voice and the object is the subject.
- Negative Form just add ‘not’ after the to be.
- Interogative Form just move the ‘to be’ to the first, and add ‘?’ in the last.
Passive Sentences with Two Objects
                There are two ways to changes the Active Sentences that have two objects,
Ex : Raditya Dika give Novel Marmut Merah Jambu to Sherina.
                                               Indirect object                       Direct object
1.    Make its indirect object into the subject of the passive sentence.
                = Sherina is given Novel Marmut Merah Jambu
2.    Make its direct object into the subject of the passive sentence
                = Novel Marmut Merah Jambu is given to Sherina.